Friday, October 15, 2010

Quick Late Night Update

Sophia is in the ICU right now with her daddy. I had to leave because I couldn't take it. They are placing an arterial line in her tiny wrist. They actually cut open the wrist scoop up the artery and thread a line through. The Surgeon described it as threading a needle through a piece of Spaghetti. Sophia isn't very stable and she continues to spell so tonight is a very intense night they might do surgery in the middle of the night if they have to. Right now they are placing all her IV's in and giving her blood and pushing so many drugs. It is truly scary but I cannot let myself lose it. I tried to stay in for the arterial line but I couldn't handle the blood so her daddy is sitting by her side watching over her. Please pray that she makes it through the night and goes to surgery tomorrow! My stomach is completely in knots. When you love someone so much that it fills you up with so much happiness that you cannot keep from smiling it absolutely feels like a knife being twisted in your heart to see them in this kind of situation. Also pray that God will give Kyle and I strength to make it through these next couple of days.

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