Friday, October 15, 2010

Really Bad Day!

Last night Soph was transfered to the childrens hospital which is totally awesome its so crazy what a different vibe you get when you walk in the doors here. She was placed in thier cardi intesive care unit which reminds me a lot of the nicu there are about 8 beds and they are all heart babies. Infact Sophia's neighbor was born the day before her. So last night went well and so did this morning, she was set for surgery on Monday because her white blood count was down. Well just as things had started to calm down Sophia coded her oxygen went down to 20% I thought the first spell was scary but this one last almost five minutes the team came running from all directions and pushed several drugs including Morphine to calm her down. Eventually the spell broke but it was absoultely awful my dad stood and watched and I literally ran out of the room bawling there is nothing like watching your child fight for her life. So after Sophia was stable they ran another Echo and found two vessels that should not exist which is another problem so they had to inibate her and place the tube down her throat which will breathe for her so that she will not have another Tet Spell. :( She did well being intibated since some babies go into cardiac arrest. She is also havinbg a CT Scan done right now to get a look at those two vessels so they can get a better plan. Sophia will be wheeled into surgery at 8:30am tomorrow. This is all so scary! The risks for this surgery are unreal. Bleeding, infection, strokesm, seizures. Its a lot to stomach. Thank God that they found the two vessels that need to be part of the repair. I know that her Coding was awfull but God is truly watching over us. I can feel it and I have never been so sure of anything. Sophia is so popular here everybody comments on her funny personality and how cute she is and co chubby. She now weighs 12 pounds nine ounces. She is a fighter and one day I will tell her all about what a strong girl she is. My mom and sister and lyndsey my best friend are on thier way here tonight and my grandma will be here on Tuesday. Grandma if you are reading this please know that God is watching over our little baby girl and that she is in good hands. I cannot wait to have you here (My grandma comforts me probably the most out of anyone in this world.)And don't worry about missing her surgery Sophia knows that her GG loves her and I will give her kisses for you tonight. Surgery is estimated to last 8 hours now but I will post several times tomorrow to let everyone know what is happening. Please pray for my baby girl tonight!

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